
Album art, content and photography for electronic artist, YumYuck


Photographer, Designer


Photography, Editing, Grading, Graphic Design, Website Design and Development


ART DIRECTION: Pascal Righini & Lauren Waller
LIGHTING: Pascal Righini & Jade Scully
STYLING: Jade Scully

I am a self-taught photographer and this shoot was one of the first in a studio with proper lighting. I think it's hard to go wrong with a proper studio setup but what's great about not really knowing what you're doing, is that you often end up being more creative. We googled a tutorial on how to get the lighting effect we were looking for...

...we draped different color foils over the lights, made some gifs behind the scenes with our phones, messed around with a projector, lit some roses on fire and had a lot of fun.

I used Pixelmator to grade and edit the photos with the aim of trying out something new, which is what this project was all about. (Who needs Adobe anyway?)

I really enjoyed playing around with some new effects in Pixelmator.

Graphic Design & Content

I’ve created a lot of different content and designs for YumYuck over the years. I use a variety of software and tools to create things on all sorts of devices (computer, iPad and phone). I enjoy constraining myself in order to push the limits of what I can do with different tools. The tools I often use include Pixelmator, Procreate, Over, VSCO, InShot and Screenflow.

A few behind-the-scenes gifs captured on DSCO and a video made with Over and InShot – all on my phone

Some cover art and social media content designed in Over, InShot and Pixelmator
Take a listen to the latest YumYuck album, Lace